Thursday, July 12, 2012

Independence Day

We celebrated the 4th of July with the Burkes.  Paul grilled burgers and I baked fries.  About the meat here, it's almost all local raised and grass-fed.  The red meat is actually red, even after it's cooked.  We dined on the terrace overlooking Vilanova and the nearby hills.

The Catalans know a lot about independence.  They were once a powerful and wealthy nation of their own with their own identity and language.  Unfortunately for them, they were bocadillod between Spain and France.  The have been suppressed and marginalized for decades.  Speaking or teaching Catalan language was even illegal for many years.

As an aside, Finn had these old school Irish Legos that were passed to him from Jenn.  The Native American ones were honestly some of the most down-right offensive representations of that culture I have ever seen.  More representative of the Village People than of the Cherokee nation.

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